Frequently asked question

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Does Input Work on Windows & Mac?

Yes, it’s 100% cloud-based and works on any operating platform, on any internet-connected device. You can access it from your computer, tablet or even your phone!

What exactly do I get?

Yes, it’s 100% cloud-based and works on any operating platform, on any internet-connected device. You can access it from your computer, tablet or even your phone!

Support & Software Updates?

Yes, it’s 100% cloud-based and works on any operating platform, on any internet-connected device. You can access it from your computer, tablet or even your phone!

Do I Need Experience or Tech Skills?

Yes, it’s 100% cloud-based and works on any operating platform, on any internet-connected device. You can access it from your computer, tablet or even your phone!

Is Training Included?

Yes, it’s 100% cloud-based and works on any operating platform, on any internet-connected device. You can access it from your computer, tablet or even your phone!

Purchase Input Now!

This elementor addons comes with simple design and quality user experience.

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